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LVC has a number of opportunities for people to connect with others and grow in their walk with Christ. From Bible studies to specialty groups, we offer various activities to learn, and grow with others.

Real Beauty Groups

REAL Beauty means Redefining Every Aspect of Love and Beauty and is a ministry that serves women. The ministry’s goal is to help women embrace the beauty and love they have already received from Jesus, thereby allowing them to walk in freedom, victory and wholeness. The most beautiful women we will ever meet will be those who are so surrendered to Jesus that He shines through them. He is their beauty.
Beauty School – Girls 6th to 12th grades Beauty School is a group for young ladies grades 6 to 12 designed to bring out the beauty already deposited into their spirits. It is taught by the REAL Beauty -college and career aged women who have embraced their identity in Christ and are walking a life of freedom, integrity and holiness. REAL Beauty Group – Ladies 20 – 30 years old / college and career age This group is for young women whose season of life is either just entering or preparing for career, marriage and children and meets once a week REAL Beauty Group – Ladies 30 and over This group is for women whose season of life is advanced and addresses the challenges that may come from being single, married, children and career. This group meets the same day and time as Beauty School.

Men of Victory & Purpose (M.V.P.)

Men of Victory and Purpose (M.V.P.) is the men’s ministry at Living Victory Church. The MVP men’s group is designed to help men become free from the weight of sin to become who God created them to be. This is a safe place for men to be transparent, to connect, and develop friendships. It is designed to cultivate a brotherhood using the Word of God where the men of LVC will reflect the image of Christ to impact the community of Kern County. MVP is for ages 18+ and meets every Tuesday evening @ 6:30pm in the LVC Multipurpose Room (Suite 10 entrance).

Thursday Night L.I.F.E

Thursday Night L.I.F.E. teaches us how to Live in Integrity Faith and Excellence according to the word of God. This weekly Bible study takes place every Thursday evening at 7:30pm. Join us as we pursue new life in Christ through the word.

Victory Kids

Victory Kids is a place where children look forward to going to church. The Bible is taught in fun, simple lessons with crafts and games in a loving, safe environment. Children learn about the love of Jesus, how to love like Jesus, and lead people to faith in Jesus. Victory Kids Church is offered during service the first three Sundays of the month.